- 安裝AppServ 至 C:\AppServ\
- 進入phpMyAdmin手動建立資料庫 mantis (utf8_gen)
- 修改 mysql.ini
開啟 mysql.ini 後,在 [mysqld] 內新增下列敘述後存檔。
max_allowed_packet=16M - 修改 C:\Windows\php.ini
開啟 php.ini 後,調整下列的值:
memory_limit = 30M
max_execution_time = 300
max_input_time = 600 - 重新啟動 Apache
- 下載最新版的 mantis
- 解開 mantis 到 appserv 安裝路徑下的 www 目錄
- 安裝 jpgraph
- 下載arialuni.ttf字型,並移到 c:\windows\fonts\ 內
- 建立 C:\AppServ\www\mantis\jpgraph 目錄
- 下載 jpgraph-2.3.tar.gz 解開後移到 C:\AppServ\www\mantis\jpgraph
- 修改 C:\AppServ\www\mantis\jpgraph\src\
新增: DEFINE("TTF_DIR", "C:/windows/fonts/");
mark: //DEFINE('CHINESE_TTF_FONT','bkai00mp.ttf');
新增:DEFINE('CHINESE_TTF_FONT','arialuni.ttf'); - 修改 C:\AppServ\www\mantis\core\graph_api.php
a. 把所有FS_BOLD改成FS_NORMAL, 因為此字型不支援style bold
b. 找到 graph_get_font(), 在$t_font_map = array(...)內新增
'chinese_big5' => FF_BIG5 - 修改 C:\AppServ\www\mantis\jpgraph\src\
elseif( $aFF === FF_CHINESE ) {
if( !function_exists('iconv') ) {
//('Usage of FF_CHINESE (FF_BIG5) font family requires that your PHP setup has the iconv() function. By default this is not compiled into PHP (needs the "--width-iconv" when configured).');
return iconv('BIG5','UTF-8',$aTxt);
elseif( $aFF === FF_CHINESE ) {
/*if( !function_exists('iconv') ) {
//('Usage of FF_CHINESE (FF_BIG5) font family requires that your PHP setup has the iconv() function. By default this is not compiled into PHP (needs the "--width-iconv" when configured).');
return iconv('BIG5','UTF-8',$aTxt);*/
return $aTxt;
- 修改 mantis\config_inc.php
$g_window_title = 'TWM Mantis System';
$g_page_title = 'Welcome to TWM Issue Tracking System';
$g_default_language = 'chinese_traditional_utf8';
//Allow anonymous login, 是否允許anonymous申請帳號, ON or OFF
$g_allow_signup = OFF;
$g_send_reset_password = OFF; //When set to ON, Mantis will email the users their new passwords when their accounts are reset. If set to OFF, the password will be reset to blank and no e-mail will be sent. Default is ON. 若SMTP尚未設定完成, 可將此參數設成OFF, 以利User登入後自行修改密碼.
#$g_phpMailer_method = 2;
#$g_smtp_host = ''; // whatever you smtp server is
#$g_smtp_username = 'xxx';
#$g_smtp_password = 'xxx';
#$g_administrator_email = '';
#$g_webmaster_email = '';
#$g_from_email = '';
#$g_stop_on_errors = ON;
#$g_email_receive_own = OFF;
#$g_validate_email = OFF;
//Session and Cookie
#$g_cookie_time_length =
//Automatically redirect after short amount of time
#$g_wait_time = //自動轉向延遲時間
//Jpgraph Package, if you want to use jpgraph function
$g_use_jpgraph = ON;
$g_jpgraph_path = 'C:/AppServ/www/mantis/jpgraph/src/' //jpgraph plug-in folder
$g_graph_font= 'chinese_big5';
//Time and Date
$g_short_date_format = 'Y-m-d';
$g_normal_date_format = 'Y-m-d H:i';
$g_complete_date_format = 'Y-m-d H:i';
putenv('TZ=CCT-8'); //使用台北時間
//File Upload
$g_file_upload_method = DISK;
$g_absolute_path_default_upload_folder = 'C:/AppServ/www/mantis/upload/'; //記得手動建立這個目錄
$g_max_file_size = 5000000; //上傳檔案最大5MB, 與php.ini有關, 若有需要記得調整php.ini內的upload_max_filesize
$g_disallowed_files = 'php,php3,phtml,html,class,java,exe,pl'; //不允許上傳的檔案類型 - 移除 C:\AppServ\www\mantis\admin 目錄
- 開啟瀏覽器進入 http://localhost/mantis/admin/install.php
- 使用管理者帳號/密碼登入:administrator /root